
Monday, December 31, 2012

My One Word Summary...

My word for 2012 was completely. My mission statement concerning this word is as follows:

As I go through 2012, there are bound to be storms and times of stress. When that happens I want to turn to Jesus to calm my storm. I want to completely trust Him, completely surrender to Him, be completely sold out for Him. I need to stop living for me and live completely for Him!

So much happened in 2012, I had plenty of opportunity to completely rely on Him! Following are some of the blogs I wrote throughout the course of the year that will show the ways God worked and how we trusted.

In January I learned wrote a blog titled This is the Stuff.... I learned to trust God and to truly see how blessed I am!!

In February, I was thinking ahead to a wedding in March and wrote this blog for my daughter. Then March came and with it the first major change...THE WEDDING! It was A Day Unlike Any Other...

In April, I was beginning to feel sentimental about my job as homeschool mom wrapping up and I wrote Jeremiah 29:11 and the Goliath Academy.

May brought about Goliath Academy's Final Graduation and with that maybe a few tears. May was also the month that God brought us to a big decision; to move to Roseau, MN! It was then I blogged More on Jeremiah 29:11.

June found us trying to sell our home and preparing to move. This when we need to completely rely on God the most. We had expected our house to sell quickly, after all God called us to move so we figured everything would just fall into place. So this Five Minute Friday post was helpful for me.

July brought our 24th anniversary, our move and our son turned 18. It was a big month for us. We have emotions we didn't know were possible to have at the same time; joy and sorrow. After living in Roseau for a few months I was able to say it was home sweet home.

The fall brought us finding a routine and adjusting to the empty nest. Leaning completely on Him became even more important to us. We did have some fun times, such as our Covert Op to meet with a certain boy who was interested in our daughter. They are still together and doing great together.

And finally we come to the Christmas season, it was a different one for us. Our first Christmas in our new town and church, our first Christmas with a married daughter and our first Christmas learning to share our kids with their significant others as well. One of my last blogs on 2012 was about being A bit homesick this Christmas. 

Now, I look forward to 2013 and wonder what will it be like? I don't know the answer to that, but I am excited to discover all the God has in store for me and my family. My word for 2013 should challenge me and help me figure out God's plans.

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