I've been just a little different from the beginning. I came into this world feet first instead of head first, I'm a lefty in a right-handed world, an introvert in an extrovert world, a Mary in a Martha world, a stay-at-home mom in a world where women are a great presence in the workforce, a homeschooler on a block full of public school teachers, and a Christian in a non-Christian world! I'm a square peg in a round hole and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Have you ever felt out of place somewhere? Like everyone was staring at you because they could tell you didn't belong there? That is how we are to feel here on earth. God put us here, but only for a season. We will only feel truly at home in heaven.
But our citizenship is in heaven..Philippians 3:19
Because our citizenship is in heaven, there will be times when we do not feel at home in this world. But we need to remember our mission here is not to feel at home; we do not want to become a round peg!
And do not be conformed to this world...Romans 12:2
The Bible is full of men and women who were square pegs...God used each and everyone of them. Abraham traveled and was an alien in a new land and he became the father of a great nation. Joseph was forced to be a slave in a foreign country, yet God used him to save many lives. Esther was an alien and yet God used her for "such a time as this" and saved a nation.
I think God does his best work with square pegs. He likes to take something that doesn't quite fit, isn't quite at home, or would otherwise be overlooked and use that square peg for his glory! Some more recent examples of square pegs are two of my heroes, Cori ten Boom and Elisabeth Elliot.
Cori ten Boom was a Christian in a Jewish concentration camp. She did not belong there, nobody did. She did not stifle her voice though. She shared her faith and led Jewish women to know the Lord, her influence in their lives may not have been the same had she not been a square peg.
Elisabeth Elliot lived among the Auca Indians. She was very much a square peg, she was a white woman among a very violent people, the very people who murdered her husband. She was able to share the Good News with these people and lead them to the Lord, this did not happen because she was one of them, but because she was a square peg.
How about you? Are you a square peg or a round peg? I personally like not fitting into the round hole. For I want a life that is set apart, a life that honors the Lord!
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