
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Resurrection Rolls...

Several years ago I came across a recipe for Resurrection Rolls. At the time the kids were still pretty little and I was always looking for creative ways to illustrate Easter to them. This recipe caught my eye due to the simplicity of making them and the power of what it illustrates. The rolls go in the oven filled with a marshmallow and come out empty inside. We made the rolls that year and they have become an Easter tradition in our home ever since. I thought I would share these with you as we get ready to celebrate our Lord's Resurrection.

The first step is to buy a pack of frozen dinner rolls, you could make your own rolls, but we're talking tradition and I've always bought Mrs. Rhodes Frozen Dinner Rolls!

Be sure and spray the pan first, then defrost the rolls for about an hour...

Next flatten the dinner roll out...

Then add a large marshmallow to your dough....

Wrap the dough around the marshmallow, being sure to pinch the dough together...

Cover with plastic wrap and let rise 2-3 hours...

 Brush the rolls with melted butter...

Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar....put in the oven at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Ready to come out....they are smelling really good about now!

Enjoy and be sure the kids notice that where the marshmallow was, is now empty....just like the tomb.

 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said...


  1. Hey Brenda! Thanks for stopping by our blog and for commenting! The trial I am facing and the burden I am carrying continues to stretch the faith/trust I have in the Lord to depths I have never known. I'm not sure if my focus is off or if the Lord is allowing the weight to be so heavy that I am constantly being reminded of it's presence therefore I will be more compelled to intercede! I am searching...seeking...

    If you live in IA than we aren't that far apart from one another and although Kyle and I have just joined Facebook (something I'm not overly sure how I feel about yet a way to keep in touch with nieces I don't get to see as often as I would like) I think I may have located you! I'm always eager to "fellowship" and grow in grace with other sisters-in-Christ...

    Again, thanks for your comment! I'm thankful that the Lord used it to touch your heart!


  2. What a fun recipe, Brenda! Thank you for your sweet email and look forward to read your "ponderings" :)


Thanks for Pondering with me! Let me know your thoughts!