
Friday, April 18, 2014

Five Minute Friday...Glue

Today is Five Minute Friday. Today's word is GLUE....


 GLUE, verb transitive 1. To unite; to hold together.

The sun, the moon, the stars....all held together by Him!

The oceans, the seas, the rivers....all held together by Him!

The air we breath...held together by Him!

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.  And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.  Colossians 1:16-17 Him all things hold together. He is the glue of not only the universe, the visible and the invisible. He is the glue of my life. When things seem to be coming undone around me, He is there. He is there holding me not only together, but holding me. Without Him I would have no peace, no hope, no joy.

Today is Good Friday, the day they crucified my Lord. The day He was beaten, ridiculed and crucified. A day filled with despair and sadness. I am sure His followers were wondering why? I am sure they felt a lack of peace, hope and joy in those dark hours. I know if Jesus had left me I would feel that same despair.

But....Sunday came. The day peace, hope and joy would appear with an exclamation point. He had risen, just as He promised. He's alive. Because of that event I will never know the pain of Jesus leaving, He is living inside of me. I'm alive!! He is my glue...holding all things together. AMEN!


  1. This is lovely, knowing that things will be repaired even when they seem most broken.

  2. Life seems so overwhelming at times when we see ourselves as the ones who have to hold it all together or fix it. What a comfort to remember that we don't have to do the fixing or the binding--that's HIS job!

  3. So grateful for Sunday! But thank you for sharing your heart about "being there" on Friday, because it allows my heart to soak in at least a small taste of what happened on my behalf...and if I had been kneeling there with the other women who loved Him, how my heart may have felt.


Thanks for Pondering with me! Let me know your thoughts!