
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My One Word....I Completely Blew it!

Yep...last week I COMPLETELY blew it! Seems appropriate since completely is my one word for 2012.

Last Wednesday I wrote this paragraph...

As I go through 2012, there are bound to be storms and times of stress. When that happens I want to turn to Jesus to calm my storm. I want to completely trust Him, completely surrender to Him, be completely sold out for Him. I need to stop living for me and live completely for Him!

Last Wednesday after I wrote that I had a melt down! Didn't take long for me to forget that in times of stress I will completely trust Him! So what was the cause of this melt down? Was is some great offense done to me? Was it devastating news? Was it illness? Finances? None of those...plain and simple it was shoes, yes I really said (mixed with just a bit of PMS). Without going into too much detail, I ordered what I thought were going to the perfect shoes for my daughter's wedding and when they arrived...well...they caused a melt down. 

Just so you know I'm ok now. The shoes are sitting out for me to see everyday. They are beside another pair I found last week. Each time I walk by I think hmmmm...which shoes will be the ones I wear? They also remind me of my one word...completely. They remind me that just because I chose a word doesn't automatically make me able to completely trust and be completely surrendered and at complete peace!

I need daily, hourly and minute by minute (depending on the day) to Stop, Drop and Pray! When I feel that stress bubble up inside of me, I need to stop myself before I allow a mole hill to become a mountain. I need to drop my grip on the problem, and I need to drop to my knees! Then I need to pray, I need to release the trouble to God and ask Him to calm my anxious heart.

Thankfully, God showed me the error of my ways with a problem as simple as shoes, I know much greater stresses will pop up in my life. But if I remember that in order to COMPLETELY rely on Him I have to COMPLETELY give Him my problems, then I should be ok. It's still only January, I've got the whole year (and beyond) to learn this lesson!

Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you. 
1 Peter 5:7

So how's your week? How is your focus on your word doing for you?

Linking up with:

One Word Wednesday
Walk With Him Wednesday


  1. I love your Stop, Drop and Pray! I understand completely what you mean. I had a "contentment" meltdown.

    I realized I'm not content about anything... I need to repent and start over.

    But more than that I realized that in order for me to learn to be content, the Lord has to clean out all the discontent first - ugh!


Thanks for Pondering with me! Let me know your thoughts!