
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Forgotten Christmas...

Christmas is only 66 days away.....ahhhh!!!!!

Now this news probably does send some of you into a panic. Your mind is racing with lists already. Some of you have had your lists made for months, in fact some of you have even checked it twice. Then there are those of you who are thinking I've got plenty of time...after all that's what Christmas Eve is buy presents! 

Every year our family tries to do something different with how we give gifts to one another. We try to avoid overspending and at the same time make the gifts meaningful and fun. A few years ago we had a theme for our Christmas...simply put our Christmas that year was JOY.

Our first focus that season was of course on Jesus. Our next focus was on others, and then we focused on each other, or you. One very practical way we reached out to others was by forgoing a Christmas tree that year. Choosing and cutting down our tree is always a big thing to us, so by not getting one this year, it made a big impact on us all. We chose to take the money we would have used on a tree and purchased fruit trees for a person who needed the fruit to survive. This small sacrifice on our part is still impacting people to this day. And yes, our Christmas was just as special without the tree!

Gospel for Asia is one of  a few ministries that makes available a Christmas catalog where you can purchase things ranging from chickens to water buffalo to houses for people who can't afford these things on their own. They have put together a web site called Forgotten Christmas. The following video explains what the website is all about. 

**WARNING....this video is convicting!**

So, as you begin to make your lists for Christmas, I challenge you to prayerfully consider buying one less thing this year, or set a smaller spending limit. The average person spends at least $500 on Christmas. In some parts of the world that is more money than they will even see in a year! Imagine if we all could take just a portion of that money and buy someone the gift of hope, love and encouragement. A small gift on our part is a huge gift can be multiplied over and over again to the forgotten people!

As we are celebrating the birth of our Savior let us not forget that 2,700,000,000 people have not yet heard that Jesus was even born! 

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Acts 20:35

Linking up with:




  1. Hi neighbor from Ann's... yes...less is more...and thanks for the link...great idea...

  2. It is more blessed to give than receive...God has me wired like this...I'm not boasting in this, but simple praising Him...B/c I KNOW it can seem that I like receiving things material & otherwise more. But I also LOVE gift-gifting :)


Thanks for Pondering with me! Let me know your thoughts!