
Friday, August 16, 2013

No matter how small...

After a bit of a blogging break, I am back today with Five Minute Friday. The rules are easy; one word...five editing. Today's word is Small.


It was a simple text really, only four words long."Here is your grandbaby!" Along with those words my daughter included a picture of her 20 week ultrasound. I have honestly never seen a more beautiful picture in my life. That picture turned my heart to mush and my eyes began to leak. I fell in love with that little face instantly.

This reminds me of my favorite Dr. Seuss quote. A person's a person not matter how small. This little one waving at us in his/her ultrasound picture is a person, a person that I already love so much.

How could a baby I haven't even met yet, cause such profound feelings of love? This little one is truly a little one right now, yet my love for him/her is huge. I have been thinking a lot about Psalm 139,(my favorite Psalm) how God sees us when we are hidden. He doesn't need an ultrasound to see that little baby. He has seen it since it was conceived, He loved it before any of us even knew there was a baby growing there. My prayer for this little one is that he/she will one day understand just how much God loves him/her!

Can't wait to meet you little one...I have so much to tell you...


  1. aww! Congratulations on your new grandbaby! It is amazing how much we already love our little ones in the womb...and even more amazing that our Savior loves us even more since before time!

  2. So exciting! Thank you for sharing your post on FMF! Praying BIG prayers for your little gift!

  3. My mom says being a grandma is the best!!!!

  4. My mom says being a grandma is the best!!!!

  5. So sweet!! New babies are such a blessing, especially when they are still in the "promise" stage... when you don't know what they look like or what their personality is... so special!!

  6. Wow, baby's are very precious!! I hope that this child will one day understand the gift they have been given in God-centered parents AND grandparents.


Thanks for Pondering with me! Let me know your thoughts!