
Friday, March 15, 2013

Five Minute is a good four letter word!

Yay for Five Minute Friday. I am finding today's word interesting in my life. Just two days ago I had surgery and my orders for the next several weeks are to rest...not to overdo things. Resting is easy to do now, but in a week when the pain is gone, it will be harder.  But I need to stay the course and rest in order for my recovery to be complete! So here's my take on rest sure and check out more thoughts on Lisa-Jo's page


Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 
Matthew 11:28

When you are stressed....God will give you rest.
When you are tired...God will give you rest.
God built rest into us from the beginning. 
On the 7th day....God rested!
Rest is something we can feel guilty about doing. 
One of the most common questions heard is "are you keeping busy".
We rarely ask each other "are you getting enough rest".
Why do we see rest as a negative thing?
Why do we feel we have to keep busy? energizes fuels us.
Don't hesitate to find the rest you need. 
This requires saying no at times.
This requires setting boundaries.
As we enter this weekend, find some time to in the Lord!


  1. Thank you! Thank you! I sooo needed to read this! Rest was a great word for this week! I often don't do enough of it myself. Your words are a reminder that I need to be more attuned to resting because it's good for the body and soul. Happy Friday!
    Beth Crumpler

  2. so thankful for the rest that God gives...

    and i agree - way too often i find myself in the throes of temptation to worship the God of busyness... and so often it is pointless busyness.

    great reminder today.

  3. thats the scripture I thought of too! This crazy thing where people ask us how we are doing and we say "oh, I have been so busy" SInce when is that a measure of anything?? I am seriously being more purposeful about rest these days knowing how needful it is. thanks for the reminders!

  4. I love the visual. Feet up, funky socks, favorite jeans puts a smile on my face too. Now to remember to rest.

  5. So true, we never ask if we are resting enough!! Love that verse, and the fuzzy socks:)

  6. Praying you get the rest you need as you heal from your surgery. Loved your post. Thanks for sharing. Blessings to you.

  7. So much affects us when we are not rested. I often see behavior issues in children and my first thought is 'do you need a nap?' We don't think of it as part of our daily needs. Good thoughts.


Thanks for Pondering with me! Let me know your thoughts!