
Friday, July 29, 2011


 Today I am trying something new, Five Minute Friday. This is where you write on a topic for 5 minutes, no worries about editing, just whatever pops in your head. Today's topic is the word still. To check out other takes on the word still click here.

Be still and know that I am God. 
Being still is a hard thing for many of us to do. We live in a society that encourages us to be busy. A common question people ask is "so you keeping busy?". Like that is some badge of honor. We are called to work and do things for the Lord, but we are also called to be still. God wants us to take a time out of our crazy lives and be still and meditate on Him. It is a lesson I learned several years ago when a chronic illness hit, I had no choice but to be still. I learned during that time that its ok to say no, its ok to have a day that is not jam packed with activity. I learned its ok to sleep in, but more importantly I learned it ok to be still before the Lord. When I take away all distractions, He speaks to me. Oh the amazing journey I have had with Him! He's taught me so much. I have also learned that when I don't take the time to be still before Him, I give the enemy an opportunity to enter in. This week is a good example, I have been busy in the morning and not having a real quiet time before I start my day and lets just say Satan used that against me. So I think I need to go now and have some quiet and still time with my Lord...


  1. Wow, Brenda. Awesome post.
    I know just what you mean about MAKING myself stop and be still. I have Fibromyalgia and cannot do everything I want to do. It's frustrating to be stuck sitting around.
    I'm a go-go-go kind of person.
    You are so right....satan is watching for every opportunity to pounce and being rushed is certainly his jackpot luck!

  2. Yes... we have to keep on fighting the "good battle", which doesn't mean we have to be busy one hundred percent of our time, it actually means the opposite: the "good battle" is fought in our intimacy, in our conscience and in our hearts - you can't win if you can't be still.

  3. Love the reminder that being still before the Lord is actually a part of being in battle against the enemy.

  4. Satan definitely uses it against me as well when I don't spend time with him.. It is something we always work towards because Satan is out to stop us!

  5. First of all I love your name! I think I just realized it's the same as mine. :-) Secondly, thank you for this very convicting post because I needed to hear your words today! I have also been finding other things to do first thing in the morning, and I can tell that it is affecting my "stillness" for God. Thank you and have a good weekend. Let's Be Still! :-)

  6. Hey Brenda,

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog.

    I am a "be-er" in a "do-er" world, and it is hard. (I'm also a tea drinker in a coffee world, which is hard). But anyway, I struggle with guilt the other way ~ should I be "do-ing" more ~ am I being selfish or is this the way God wired me and I should go with it.

    Loved your illustration, "are you keeping busy?"
    People ask me all the time, "what do I do?" (empty nester and no job).....I do stay busy (there aren't enough hours in the day), but it's probably not what the world, or sometimes God would value, although I am hopefully furthering His Kingdom with my giftedness. Do I waste time? Absolutely. I am a good piddler. Something I am becoming more cognitive of.

    Unless I am on vacations or have extenuating circumstances, my QT is almost like breathing to me. Getting my minds focused on Him ~ even if it is for a short time ~ in the morning, particularly (but any time will do) can really set the tone for the day. I have been enjoying the devotional "Jesus Calling" this past year, especially when time is short. It brings me to the heart of God and looking at the key verses helps with setting my mind and spirits heaven-ward.

    Our lives are a balancing act for sure that needs to be consistently examed and recalibrated, if looks different for each of us, as He made us all so unique and has many varied seasons and assignments, which required readjustments.

    Anyways, love your pic at the top and your cute and clever, and it reminded my of the verse, "Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith."

    Blessings to you and yours,


  7. Great "food for thought". I've found if I don't start my morning with HIM...then, the rest of my day just seems to be all out of whack!!! ;) HOPE you have a great SONday!!!

  8. Brenda, it's so true that stillness does not "just happen!" Especially stillness before God! So glad that you decided to join in on the five-minute-Friday madness this week. :)

    Thank you for visiting my blog and for the sweet comment.

  9. Love this post! =) God bless you and I pray that he will show you even more of His glory!


Thanks for Pondering with me! Let me know your thoughts!